I would like this to be the beginning of a discussion.
Everything I talk about in this post are not my original ideas. They are ideas that I have identified as “duh” moments. These Ideas are the kind of ideas that make you think, why isn’t everyone doing this?
Obviously it is not simple or it would already be happening… so, how do we make these things happen?
I like to look at problems from the bottom up. Especially when we cannot seem to get our representatives to listen to reason and science. If we redefine our food system, take control of it ourselves, we can be the difference. I believe a big step in empowering our community starts with access to healthy affordable food. We need to start looking at food as if it were money. Maybe even consider it capitol or an investment. Some of the concepts below are much too large for an individual to tackle, but there are ways to get involved. Not everyone has the means and/or time to start growing at home, but there are resources that teach how to do it effectively and affordably. Increasing access has to happen on multiple levels and requires a concerted effort across many fronts to be effective. As an individual you can start with education and even take on small at home growing projects. Or GO BIG!
*Food waste. This is my least knowledgeable subject in reference to food access, though I am aware the amount of food waste is very large. I believe in part it is a distribution problem barricaded by regulation. On this Subject I plan further research and I welcome comments.
*Edible landscapes. Fruit trees in public spaces would give access to healthy food for those within a community. Open access community areas dedicated to growing vegetables in place of decorative plants.
*I believe this will be the most important step considering dwindling resources such as clean water and soil. We need an indoor city central food growing operation that runs on sustainable energy that collects and filters rain water. Examples: Aquaponics, Hydroponics, Aeroponics. This needs to be large scale.
*Personal and community growing projects. We need on some level return to our roots of growing our own food. This can be large endeavors such as providing all of your healthy vegetable needs for the year to small scale supplemental efforts such as growing tomatoes and/or potatoes. Perhaps herbs and peppers even. Examples: Community gardens. Replacing decorative plants with fruits and vegetables, potato pots, hanging tomatoes, indoor small scale Aquaponics, Hydroponics, Aeroponics systems.
*Education. Each of the above examples requires education. How to grow, How to cultivate, how to harvest, and how to preserve and how to cook. Other education revolves around the negative impacts of our current industrial agriculture system functions and how these suggested changes can minimize those effects and even eliminate them
Edible Landscapes
Guerrilla Gardner
Innovative Ideas
The Future

The GroPod Beta in my living room after 2 weeks.
Local Endeavors and Resources
Urban Seeds
Urban Seeds was founded in 2005 as an urban community garden project. Based in Evansville, Indiana, our 501c3 non-profit organization now works to create food systems that provide access to nourishing foods for all of our community members, with a focus on locally grown produce and locally prepared foods.
Support Propaganda
I AM - Tommy Art & Design
Limited time only!!! 16x26 on canvas stretched to bars $150 plus Shipping and Handling. Featured in the juried 2020 Working Together Exhibition at the Evansville Museum.
Justice? by tommyartdesign76
Shop Justice? they t-shirts designed by TommyArtDesign76 as well as other they merchandise at TeePublic.