4 Da Birds is a fun and exciting series of animated shorts created by Tommy Housman of Tommy Art & Design. The series follows the adventures of a group of lovable bird characters as they explore the world and learn about friendship, adventure, and life.

4 Da Birds is a fun and exciting series of animated shorts created by Tommy Housman of Tommy Art & Design. The series follows the adventures of a group of lovable bird characters as they explore the world and learn about friendship, adventure, and life.

If you enjoy the 4 Da Birds series, please show your support by subscribing, purchasing 4 Da Birds branded merchandise, or by donating to help make the series a success. You can donate through CashApp using the handle $TommyHousman, through Venmo using the handle @Tommy-Housman, or through PayPal using the handle @TommyDesigns. Your support will help to fund the production of future episodes and make the series even more fun and entertaining.

Thank you for your support and for watching 4 Da Birds! I hope you continue to enjoy the antics of these lovable bird characters.

The Dove got ripped off by Bobby. Now begins the adventure of finding Bobby.

Keep Scrolling for VOL 2

Check out all the  4 Da Birds march. Purchasing merchandise is a great way to support this project. It’s a win win! 4 Da Birds gets the support of a fan and you get high quality merchandise that is sure to start up conversation giving you the opportunity to share 4 Da Birds with your friends and family.

Da Birds continue to look for Bobby.

Keep Scrolling for VOL 3

Da Birds Continue their search for Bobby and decent seeds.

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