4 Da Birds is a fun and exciting series of animated shorts created by Tommy Housman of Tommy Art & Design. The series follows the adventures of a group of lovable bird characters as they explore the world and learn about friendship, adventure, and life.
If you enjoy the 4 Da Birds series, please show your support by subscribing, purchasing 4 Da Birds branded merchandise, or by donating to help make the series a success. You can donate through CashApp using the handle $TommyHousman, through Venmo using the handle @Tommy-Housman, or through PayPal using the handle @TommyDesigns. Your support will help to fund the production of future episodes and make the series even more fun and entertaining.
Thank you for your support and for watching 4 Da Birds! I hope you continue to enjoy the antics of these lovable bird characters.
The Dove got ripped off by Bobby. Now begins the adventure of finding Bobby.
Da Birds continue to look for Bobby.
Da Birds Continue their search for Bobby and decent seeds.